\name{pumapca_estrogen} \alias{pumapca_estrogen} \docType{data} \title{The data from the estrogen package processed using the pumaPCA algorithm} \description{ This data is taken from the \pkg{estrogen} package. It was created to be used in the vignette for the \pkg{puma} pacakge. It can be produced using the following code (note this could take a long time to run): \preformatted{ data(eset_estrogen_mmgmos) pumapca_estrogen <- pumaPCA(eset_estrogen_mmgmos) } } \usage{data(pumapca_estrogen)} \format{ An \code{\link[puma:pumaPCARes-class]{pumaPCARes}} object containing principal components (created using pumaPCA) of 8 HG\_U95Av2 arrays, in a 2 x 2 factorial design, with 2 replicates for each combination of factors. The factors are estrogen (absent of present) and time.h (10 or 48). } \seealso{\code{\link[pumadata]{eset_estrogen_mmgmos}}} \examples{ data(pumapca_estrogen) plot(pumapca_estrogen,legend1pos="right",legend2pos="top") } \keyword{datasets}