\name{readCompressedData} \alias{readCompressedData} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Extract data for specific bead-types from a compressed file } \description{ Given a list of probeIDs this function can scan a compressed .bab file for matching entries and return the data as a data.frame within R, rather than decompressing the data and generating new files. } \usage{ readCompressedData(inputFile, path = ".", probeIDs = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{inputFile}{ The name of the .bab file to be read in. } \item{path}{ Path to where the input file can be found. Default is the current working directory. } \item{probeIDs}{ List the probe IDs for which data should be obtained. If left NULL then every probe on the array is returned. } } \value{ If the requested probe IDs are present the function returns a data.frame with one row per bead. If the probes are not found in the file then the function returns NULL and informs the user. } \author{ Mike L. Smith } \examples{ dataPath <- system.file("data", package = "BeadDataPackR") readCompressedData(inputFile = "example.bab", path = dataPath, probeIDs = c(10008, 10010)) } \keyword{ IO }