% --- Source file: chromosome.plot.Rd --- \name{chromosome.plot} \alias{chromosome.plot} \title{Chromosome plot } \description{Creates a chromosome plot } \usage{ chromosome.plot(infile, plot.vars, locusMap.list, op=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{infile}{Output file from \code{\link{snp.scan.logistic}}. No default.} \item{plot.vars}{Character vector of the variables in \code{infile} to plot. These variables should p-values. No default.} \item{locusMap.list}{See \code{\link{locusMap.list}}. No default. } \item{op}{List of options (see details). The default is NULL.} } \details{Plots p-values on a minus log base 10 scale versus the locations of the SNPs on each chromosome. \bold{Options list op:} Below are the names for the options list \code{op}. All names have default values if they are not specified. \itemize{ \item \code{splitScreen} 0 or 1 to split the plot into two seperate parts. The default is 1. \item \code{yaxis.range} Vector of length 2 to set the limits for the y-axis. The limits should be on the original scale. The default is NULL. \item \code{subset} Vector of chromosomes to plot. The default is NULL. \item \code{colors} Character vector of colors to use in the plot. See \code{\link[grDevices]{colors}} for all possible colors. The default is NULL. \item \code{pch} Vector of plotting symbols to use. See \code{\link[graphics]{points}} for the different plotting symbols. The default is that circles (pch = 21) will be plotted. } } %\value{} %\references{ } %\author{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{QQ.plot}}, \code{\link{locusMap.list}}} \examples{ # Load the data containing the chromosomes and locations data(LocusMapData, package="CGEN") # For illustrative purposes, add some hypothetical p-values to x set.seed(123) LocusMapData[, "pvalue"] <- runif(nrow(LocusMapData)) # Define the input list locusMap.list locusList <- list(snp.var="SNP", chrm.var="CHROMOSOME", loc.var="LOCATION") # Create the plot chromosome.plot(LocusMapData, "pvalue", locusList) } \keyword{ misc }