% --- Source file: man/snp.scan.logistic.Rd --- \name{snp.scan.logistic} \alias{snp.scan.logistic} \title{Logistic regression analysis for an array of SNPs} \description{ Performs a logistic regression analysis of case-control data with three alternative analysis options: \bold{(i) Unconstrained maximum-likelihood:} This method is equivalent to prospective logistic regression analysis and corresponds to maximum-likelihood analysis of case-control data allowing the joint distribution of the covariates in the model to be completely unrestricted (non-parametric) \bold{(ii) Constrained maximum-likelihood:} This method performs maximum-likelihood analysis of case-control data under the assumption of gene-environment (or/and gene-gene) independence and Hardy-Weinberg-Equilibrium for the underlying population. The analysis allows the assumptions to be valid conditional on a stratification variable \bold{(iii) Empirical-Bayes:} This method uses an empirical-Bayes type "shrinkage estimation" technique to trade-off bias and variance between the constrained and unconstrained maximum-likelihood estimators. } \usage{ snp.scan.logistic(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{snp.list}{ See \code{\link{snp.list}}. No default. } \item{pheno.list}{See \code{\link{pheno.list}}. No default. } %\item{temp.list}{See \code{\link{temp.list}}. The default is NULL. } \item{op}{ See details for this list of options. The default is NULL.} } \value{ A list from the LAST analysis performed. This list will contain the estimated parameters, covariance matrices, SNP name, and possibly the results of any Wald tests. } \details{To use this function, the data must be stored in files as defined in \code{\link{snp.list}} and \code{\link{pheno.list}}. See the examples on how to create these lists. The genotype data is read in from the file(s) \code{snp.list$file}, and the variables for the main effects and interactions are read in from the file \code{pheno.list$file}. The subjects to be included in the model are defined in \code{\link{pheno.list}}. For an included subject with id \code{sub.id}, there must be the same id in the genotype data file(s). The genotype data file(s) can contain more subject ids than in \code{pheno.list$file}, and the ids do not have to be in any particular order. Once the data is read in, all missing values are removed and the function \code{\link{snp.logistic}} is called for each SNP in the genotype data file(s). By default, output files are not created and only the analysis from the last SNP is returned from this function; so to save the results for all the SNPs, the user must specify \code{op$out.file} or \code{op$out.dir}. \cr \cr \bold{Options list op:} Below are the names for the options list \code{op}. All names have default values if they are not specified. \itemize{ \item \code{genetic.model} 0-3: The genetic model for the SNP. 0=trend, 1=dominant, 2=recessive, 3=general. \item \code{tests} List of character vectors that will be used in Wald tests. For example, \code{tests}=list(c("x1", "x2"), c("x1", "x4", "x9")), will compute a 2 df Wald test involving the variables x1 and x2, and will compute a 3 df Wald test for the variables x1, x4, and x9. The variable name for the main effect of each SNP is called "SNP\_", and the variable names that interact with each SNP are of the form "SNP\_x1", "SNP\_gender", etc. In the output, these tests will labeled as "test1", "test2", etc. The default is NULL. \item \code{tests.1df} Character vector of variable names to compute 1 degree of freedom Wald tests for. The default is NULL. \item \code{effects} List for joint/stratified effects. The default is NULL. Names in the list must be: \itemize{ \item \code{var} Variable name to compute the effects with the SNP variable. This variable must be a main effect. No default. \item \code{type} 1, 2 or c(1, 2), 1 = joint, 2 = stratified. The default is 1. \item \code{var.levels} (Only for continuous \code{var}). Numeric vector of the levels to be used in the calculation. The default is 0. \item \code{var.base}}{ (Only for continuous \code{var}). Baseline level. The default is 0. \item \code{snp.levels} A vector containing any of the values 0, 1, 2 to use as the levels of each SNP. The default is 1. \item \code{method} Character vector containing any of the following: "UML", "CML", "EB". The default is c("UML", "CML", "EB"). } \item \code{out.file} NULL or file name to save summary information for each SNP. The output will at least contain the columns "SNP" and "MAF". MAF is the minor allele frequency from the controls. Additional columns in this file are based on the values of \code{tests} and \code{tests.1df}. The default is NULL. \item \code{out.dir} NULL or the output directory to store the output lists for each SNP. A seperate file will be created for each SNP in the SNP data set, so this option should only be used for analyzing a small number of SNPs. The file names will be out\_.rda. The \code{load()} function must be used to read these files into R. The object names are called "ret". The default is NULL. \item \code{reltol} Stopping tolerance. The default is 1e-6. \item \code{maxiter} Maximum number of iterations. The default is 100. \item \code{optimizer} One of "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "Nelder-Mead", "SANN". The default is "BFGS". } % END: \itemize } \references{ Mukherjee B, Chatterjee N. Exploiting gene-environment independence in analysis of case-control studies: An empirical Bayes approach to trade-off between bias and efficiency. Biometrics 2008, 64(3):685-94. Mukherjee B et al. Tests for gene-environment interaction from case-control data: a novel study of type I error, power and designs. Genetic Epidemiology, 2008, 32:615-26. Chatterjee, N. and Carroll, R. Semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation exploting gene-environment independence in case-control studies. Biometrika, 2005, 92, 2, pp.399-418. Chen YH, Chatterjee N, Carroll R. Shrinkage estimators for robust and efficient inference in haplotype-based case-control studies. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009, 104: 220-233. Bhattacharjee S, Wang Z, Ciampa J, Kraft P, Chanock S, Yu K, Chatterjee N Using Principal Components of Genetic Variation for Robust and Powerful Detection of Gene-Gene Interactions in Case-Control and Case-Only studies. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2010, 86(3):331-342. \cr } %\author{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{snp.logistic}} } \examples{ # Define the list for the genotype data. snp.list <- list() snp.list$file <- system.file("sampleData", "SNPdata.rda", package="CGEN") snp.list$file.type <- 1 snp.list$delimiter <- "|" snp.list$in.miss <- "NA" # Only process the first 5 SNPs in the file snp.list$start.vec <- 1 snp.list$stop.vec <- 6 # Define pheno.list pheno.list <- list() pheno.list$file <- system.file("sampleData", "Xdata.txt", package="CGEN") pheno.list$file.type <- 3 pheno.list$delimiter <- "\t" pheno.list$id.var <- "id" # Define the variables in the model pheno.list$response.var <- "case.control" pheno.list$strata.var <- "ethnic.group" pheno.list$main.vars <- c("age.group", "oral.years", "n.children") pheno.list$int.vars <- "n.children" # Define the list of options op <- list() # Omnibus Wald test for the main effect of the SNP and the interaction variables, and # a seperate Wald test for "age.group" and "oral.years". op$tests <- list(c("SNP_", "SNP_:n.children"), c("age.group", "oral.years")) # Specifying out.dir will create a separate .rda file for each SNP #op$out.dir <- "./" # Specifying out.file will create one output file #op$out.file <- "out.txt" # For this model, all variables are continuous # temp <- snp.scan.logistic(snp.list, pheno.list, op=op) } \keyword{ models }