\name{ExpandCGHcall} \alias{ExpandCGHcall} \title{Expands result fron CGHcall to CGHcall object. } \description{ Expands result from \code{\link{CGHcall}} function to CGHcall object. } \usage{ ExpandCGHcall(listcall,inputSegmented, digits=3, divide=4, memeff = FALSE, fileoutpre="Callobj_") } \arguments{ \item{listcall}{List object; output of function \code{\link{CGHcall}}} \item{inputSegmented}{ An object of class \code{\link{cghSeg}} } \item{digits}{Number of decimal digits to be saved in the resulting call object. Allows for saving storage space} \item{divide}{Number of batches to divide the work load in. Larger values saves memory, but requires more computing time} \item{memeff}{When set to TRUE, memory efficient mode is used: results are written in batches to multiple external files. If FALSE, one output object is provided.} \item{fileoutpre}{Only relevant when memeff=TRUE. Define prefix for output file names} } \details{This function is new in version 2.7.0. It allows more memory efficient handling of large data objects. If R crashes because of memory problem, we advise to set memeff = TRUE and increase the value of divide. When multiple files are output (in case of memeff=TRUE) the function combine may be used to combine CGHcall objects. } \seealso{\code{\link{CGHcall}}, \code{\link{cghCall-class}}} \value{ An object of class \code{\link{cghCall-class}} either as one object (when memeff = FALSE) or as multiple objects stored in .Rdata files in the working directory (when memeff = FALSE)} \references{ Mark A. van de Wiel, Kyung In Kim, Sjoerd J. Vosse, Wessel N. van Wieringen, Saskia M. Wilting and Bauke Ylstra. CGHcall: calling aberrations for array CGH tumor profiles. \emph{Bioinformatics, 23}, 892-894. } \author{ Sjoerd Vosse & Mark van de Wiel } \examples{ data(Wilting) ## Convert to \code{\link{cghRaw}} object cgh <- make_cghRaw(Wilting) print(cgh) ## First preprocess the data raw.data <- preprocess(cgh) ## Simple global median normalization for samples with 75\% tumor cells perc.tumor <- rep(0.75, 3) normalized.data <- normalize(raw.data, cellularity=perc.tumor) ## Segmentation with slightly relaxed significance level to accept change-points. ## Note that segmentation can take a long time. \dontrun{segmented.data <- segmentData(normalized.data, alpha=0.02)} \dontrun{postsegnormalized.data <- postsegnormalize(segmented.data)} ## Call aberrations \dontrun{result <- CGHcall(postsegnormalized.data)} \dontrun{result <- ExpandCGHcall(result,postsegnormalized.data)} } \keyword{ misc }