\name{cmp.parse1} \alias{cmp.parse1} \title{Parsing an SDF file and calculate the descriptor for one compound} \description{ Read SDF information from an SDF file or connection, parse the first compound, and calculate the descriptor for that compound. The returned descriptor can be added to database returned by 'cmp.parse' or be used as the query structure when calling 'search'. This function will only parse one compound and return only the descriptor. To parse all compounds in an SDF file, use 'cmp.parse'. } \usage{ cmp.parse1(filename) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{The file name of the SDF file or a URL or a connection.} } \details{ 'cmp.parse1' can take a file name or a URL or a connection. When a connection is used, the current line must be the first line of SDF of the compound to be parsed. 'cmp.parse1' will skip the header and parse from the 4th line. Therefore, the compound ID information will be skipped. After the parsing is done, if 'filename' is a connection, it will then point to the line after the connection table of SDF. You can use some other procedure to parse the annotation block. } \value{ Return the descriptor, which is encoded as a vector. } \references{Chen X and Reynolds CH (2002). "Performance of similarity measures in 2D fragment-based similarity searching: comparison of structural descriptors and similarity coefficients", in \emph{J Chem Inf Comput Sci}.} \author{Y. Eddie Cao, Li-Chang Cheng} \seealso{\code{\link{cmp.parse}}, \code{\link{cmp.search}}, \code{\link{cmp.cluster}}, \code{\link{cmp.similarity}}} \examples{ # load an SDF file from web and parse it \dontrun{structure <- cmp.parse1("http://bioweb.ucr.edu/ChemMineV2/compound/Aurora/b32:NNQS2MBRHAZTI===/sdf")} } \keyword{utilities}