\name{getAffyProbesetList} \alias{getAffyProbesetList} \title{ Retrieve Affy probeset IDs from DAVID.} \description{ For a given Affymetrix microarray chip, retrieve Affy probeset IDs from DAVID. Optionally, a menu is used to pick the chip name. } \usage{ getAffyProbesetList(chipname = NULL, menu = TRUE, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{chipname}{ Full name or regular expression. } \item{menu}{ Select chipname from a menu (default=TRUE) } \item{verbose}{ Print a bit of tracing information along the way (default=FALSE) . } } \details{ If \code{menu==TRUE}, DAVID's table of chip names is retrieved. If \code{chipname} is a regular expression, then the menu (if requested) is subsetted accordingly. When the user selects or specifies one of the names, the associated file of probeset names is retrieved, again directly from DAVID, not from Affymetrix. } \value{ Character vector of probeset names with 'chipType' attribute containing the chip name.} \author{ Roger Day, Alex Lisovich } \examples{ head(getAffyProbesetList("Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0", menu=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)) \dontrun{ length(getAffyProbesetList("133|95")) } } \note{ Use with caution. The returned file is not guaranteed to be correct. In the example above, with the chip \code{"Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0"}, the list returned includes 40907 probeset IDs on the chip (and no others), but appears to be missing 13768 others. } \keyword{ database }