\name{getRawScvForSamplePair} \alias{getRawScvForSamplePair} \title{ for a pair of samples, calculate the average raw SCV between them, as a measure of noise } \description{ The average raw SCV between two samples is a good measure of the sample-to-sample variability between two samples that does not include the shot noise, i.e., only reflects the ``distance'' between the samples without being affected by sequencing depth. } \usage{ getRawScvForSamplePair(cds, sample1, sample2) } \arguments{ \item{cds}{A CountDataSet with estimated size factors.} \item{sample1}{ An index or column name identifying a sample. } \item{sample2}{ Ditto. } } \details{ This function calls \code{\link{estimateVarianceFunctionForMatrix}} with the data for just the two specified columns and so obtains a raw variance function, which is the used to calculate the raw variance (i.e., the variance without shot noise) for each gene. This is converted by dividing by the square of the size-factors-normalized count for the gene, to get a raw squared coefficient of variance (raw SCV), which is finally adjusted for the bias due to the division with \code{\link{adjustScvForBias}}. The mean of the rawSCV values for all genes is returned. \emph{Interpretation}: The square root of the mean rawSCV is a measure of the typical variation of the concentration of a gene's transcript between the two samples. So, if you get, say, a mean raw SCV of 0.1 between two samples, it means that, typicaly, the concentration of a genes transcript varies by 31% (because sqrt(.1) is .31) from one sample to the other. Check whether the value obtained between biological replicates seems accceptable in the light of this interpretation. For technical replicates, the raw SCV value should be very low, maybe below 0.01, and large values indicate problems with the library preparation.} \value{ A single number, the mean raw SCV, as described above. } \author{ Simon Anders } \seealso{ \code{\link{getRawScvDistanceMatrix}} } \examples{ cds <- makeExampleCountDataSet() cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) getRawScvForSamplePair( cds, "A1", "A2" ) }