\name{nbkd.sf} \alias{nbkd.sf} \title{ GLM family for a negative binomial with known dispersion and log link with size factors } \description{ A distribution family for use with \code{\link{glm}}. It describes a negative binomial (as \code{negative.binomial} in the MASS package), but with a special link function, namely eta[i] = log( mu[i] / sf[i] ), i.e., each count value is divided by its size factor before the log is taken. This is used internally by \code{\link{nbinomFitGLM}}. } \usage{ nbkd.sf(r, sf) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{r}{ The 'size' argument (see \code{\link{dnbinom}}), i.e., the reciprocal of the dispersion. } \item{sf}{ A vector of size factors. } } \value{ A GLM family object. } \author{ Simon Anders, anders@embl.de }