\name{scvPlot} \alias{scvPlot} \title{ Produces a diagnostic plot with the variance estimates, given as squared coefficients of variation (SCV) } \description{ The produced plot shows the estimated variance functions of the given CountDataSet, in the form of the squared coefficient of variation (SCV), i.e., the variance divided by the squared mean. The solid lines are the raw SCV estimates, one per condition. The dashed lines are the full variance estimates for each sample, i.e., the vertical distance between a dashed line and its corresponding solid line (of the same colour) is the shot noise. As the x axis is scaled as base mean (size-adjusted mean), the amount of shot noise depends on the size factor. The solid black line is a density estimate of the base means. Only were a sufficient density of counts is present can a good estimate be expected. } \usage{ scvPlot( cds, xlim = NULL, ylim = c(0, 0.8), skipBiasCorrection = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{cds}{ a CountDataSet with estimated variance functions } \item{xlim, ylim}{ the plot limits } \item{skipBiasCorrection}{ if set to true, the plotted SCVs are calculated directly from the variance fit, skipping the call to \code{\link{adjustScvForBias}} that is done by default. } } \value{ None; but a plot is produced. } \author{ Simon Anders, sanders@fs.tum.de } \examples{ cds <- makeExampleCountDataSet() cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) cds <- estimateVarianceFunctions( cds ) scvPlot( cds ) }