\name{mgoSim} \alias{mgoSim} \title{Semantic Similarity Between two GO terms lists} \description{ Given two GO term sets, this function will calculate the semantic similarity between them, and return their semantic similarity } \usage{ mgoSim(GO1, GO2, ont="MF", organism="human", measure="Wang", combine="rcmax.avg") } \arguments{ \item{GO1}{A set of go terms. } \item{GO2}{Another set of go terms.} \item{ont}{One of "MF", "BP", and "CC" subontologies.} \item{organism}{One of "anopheles", "arabidopsis", "bovine", "canine", "chicken", "chimp", "coelicolor", "ecolik12", "ecsakai", "fly", "human", "malaria", "mouse", "pig", "rat", "rhesus", "worm", "xenopus", "yeast" and "zebrafish".} \item{measure}{One of "Resnik", "Lin", "Rel", "Jiang" and "Wang" methods.} \item{combine}{One of "max", "average", "rcmax", "rcmax.avg" methods, for combining semantic similarity scores of multiple GO terms associated with protein or multiple proteins assiciated with protein cluster.} } \value{ \item{mgoSim }{Semantic similarity.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{goSim}} \code{\link{geneSim}} \code{\link{mgeneSim}} \code{\link{clusterSim}} \code{\link{mclusterSim}} } \examples{ go1 <- c("GO:0004022", "GO:0004024", "GO:0004023") go2 <- c("GO:0009055", "GO:0020037") mgoSim("GO:0003824", go2, measure="Wang") mgoSim(go1, go2, ont="MF", organism="human", measure="Wang") } \references{ Wang et al.(2007) A new method to measure the semantic similarity of go terms \emph{Bioinformatics} (Oxford, England), 23:0 1274--81, May 2007. ISSN 1460-2059 \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17344234} PMID: 17344234 P W Lord et al.(2003) Semantic similarity measures as tools for exploring the gene ontology \url{Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing} Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 2003:601-12, ISSN 1793-5091 \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12603061} PMID: 12603061 } \keyword{ manip }