\name{DO} \alias{DO} \alias{DO.graph.gene} \alias{DO.graph.closure.gene} \alias{DO2gene.map} \alias{gene2DO.map} \alias{DO.terms} \docType{data} \title{ Several data objects related with DO (Disease Ontology) and its mapping to genes } \description{ Several data objects related with DO (Disease Ontology) and its mapping to genes } \usage{data(DO)} \details{ The data file "DO.rda" includes five datasets: DO.graph.gene: a graphNEL object, which shows the ontology relations of DO DO.graph.closure.gene: a graphNEL object, whose edges represent the link between a DO term and its offspring ontology terms. Only the DO terms with gene mappings were included. DO2gene.map: a list show the mapping from DOIDs to genes gene2DO.map: a list show the mapping from genes to DOIDs DO.terms: a named character vector. Its names are DOIDs and elements are DO.terms } \references{ } \examples{ data(DO) datasets <- c("DO.graph.gene", "DO.graph.closure.gene", "DO2gene.map", "gene2DO.map", "DO.terms") # check the existence of these datasets: sapply(datasets, exists) } \keyword{datasets}