\name{drawTable} \alias{drawTable} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Concept-Gene Networking Plotting } \description{ A function to generate a multigroup concepts-genes table } \usage{drawTable(dataMatrix, topCat=10, heatMap=TRUE, matrixOfHeatmap=NULL, clusterTable=c('geneNum', 'pvalue', NULL), methodOfCluster=c('mds', 'sort'), mar=c(1,5,5,8), addRowLabel=TRUE, cex.axis=c(1.1, 0.9), reverseOfCluster=FALSE, xGridLine=FALSE, colorBar=TRUE, newWindow=TRUE, endOfColoBar=c('1', 'Minimum of p values'), ...)} %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dataMatrix}{ a top concepts-genes matrix generated by \code{\link{getConceptTable}}. } \item{topCat}{ number to specify how many top concepts-genes analysis will show. } \item{heatMap}{ logic, determine whether the multiple group concepts-genes table is presented by heatmap. } \item{matrixOfHeatmap}{ NULL or a concepts-genes matrix generated by \code{\link{getConceptTable}}, which is used to show enrichment test significance for each concept. } \item{clusterTable}{ cluster data to specify which type of values will be used for cluster. } \item{methodOfCluster}{ cluster method} \item{mar}{ marginal parameter for table, please see \code{\link{par}}} \item{addRowLabel}{ logic, whether add row names} \item{cex.axis}{ font size parameter for table, please see \code{\link{par}} } \item{reverseOfCluster}{ logic, whether reverse the cluster order. } \item{xGridLine}{ logic, whether add horizontal line in table or not} \item{colorBar}{ logic, whether show color bar or not} \item{newWindow}{ logic, whether present table in current active window or not} \item{endOfColoBar}{ a character string for color bar.} \item{\dots}{ other parameters used by 'sort' } } \details{ an image based multigroup concepts-genes table is generated. If heatmap is on, the statistical significant cells are shaded by different level green. Specified top gene amounts are highlighted as red. } \value{ No return value. } \references{ Feng, G., Du, P., Krett, N., Tessel, M., Rosen, S., Kibbe, W.A. and Lin, S.M., 'A collection of bioconductor methods to visualize gene-list annotations', BMC Research Notes 2010, 3:10} \author{ Gang Feng, Pan Du and Simon Lin } \seealso{ See Also as \code{\link{getConceptTable}}, \code{\link{groupReport}} } \examples{ data(sampleGroupsData) gAKEGGL <- lapply(sampleGroupsData, geneAnswersBuilder, 'org.Hs.eg.db', categoryType='KEGG', pvalueT=0.1, verbose=FALSE) #output<- getConceptTable(gAKEGGL, items='geneNum') \dontrun{drawTable(output[[1]], matrixOfHeatmap=output[[2]], mar=c(2,15,3,2), clusterTable=NULL)} } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ methods }