\name{plotGeneFunSummary} \alias{plotGeneFunSummary} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{plot the summarized gene annotation (ontologies) of a gene} \description{ plot ontology graphs of the summarized gene annotation (ontologies), which is return by function \code{\link{geneFunSummarize}} } \usage{ plotGeneFunSummary(geneFunSummarizeResult, onto.graph, selGene = NULL, onto.graph.closure = NULL, allOntoID.direct = NULL, fdr.adjust = "none", showMiniSet = TRUE, highlightBest = TRUE, miniSetPvalue = 10^-5, ID2Name = NULL, savePrefix = "", geneSymbol = TRUE, saveImage = TRUE, selectionMethod = c("simple", "bestOnly", "all"), lib = "org.Hs.eg.db", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{geneFunSummarizeResult}{the output of \code{\link{geneFunSummarize}} function} \item{onto.graph}{an ontology graph in graphNEL class, which keeps the graph of the entire ontology DAG. Each node of it is an ontology ID} \item{selGene}{a subset of genes to plot ontology graph. If it is NULL, all plots of all genes in the "geneFunSummarizeResult" will be plotted.} \item{onto.graph.closure}{a flatten ontology graph in graphNEL class, whose edges represent offspring relationships.} \item{allOntoID.direct}{a vector of ontology IDs, which has direct gene mappings.} \item{fdr.adjust}{FDR adjustment methods used in p-value estimation.} \item{showMiniSet}{whether to high-light miniSet in the ontology plot} \item{highlightBest}{whether to high-light the most significant ontology term.} \item{miniSetPvalue}{threshold of miniSet p-value} \item{ID2Name}{a named vector of ontology IDs to ontology terms mapping} \item{savePrefix}{the filename prefix of the image files} \item{geneSymbol}{whether use gene symbol in the file name.} \item{saveImage}{whether save images as files.} \item{selectionMethod}{the method to select ontology nodes included in the plot graph} \item{lib}{the library used to get gene symbols of the Entrez Gene ID} \item{\dots}{other parameters used by function \code{\link{plotOntologyGraph}} } } \details{ } \value{ Invisibly return a list of ontology subgraph (in graphGEL class), which correspond to the genes in the "geneFunSummarizeResult" (or "selGene" if provided as an input parameter). } \author{ Pan DU } \seealso{ See Also \code{\link{plotGraph}} and \code{\link{plotOntologyGraph}} } \examples{ data(DO) geneSummary <- geneFunSummarize('4267', gene2DO.map, DO.graph.closure.gene)[[1]] plotGeneFunSummary(geneSummary['4267'], onto.graph=DO.graph.gene, onto.graph.closure=DO.graph.closure.gene, ID2Name=DO.terms, p.value.th=0.001, miniSetPvalue=10^-5, saveImage=FALSE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}