\name{saveGeneFunSummary} \alias{saveGeneFunSummary} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{save the summarized gene function as a tab-separated text file} \description{save the summarized gene function as a tab-separated text file} \usage{ saveGeneFunSummary(geneFunSummarizeResult, simplifyInfo = NULL, addFDR = FALSE, species = "human", ID2Name = NULL, fileName = "geneSummarization.xls") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{geneFunSummarizeResult}{the output of \code{\link{geneFunSummarize}} function} \item{simplifyInfo}{the output of \code{\link{simplifyGeneFunSummary}} function} \item{addFDR}{whether add FDR information or not} \item{species}{the species of the related ontology under test, which is used to convert the Entrez Gene ID as gene symbols} \item{ID2Name}{a named vector of ontology IDs to ontology terms mapping} \item{fileName}{the file name to keep the summarized gene information} } \details{ } \value{ Invisibly return a data.frame of summarized gene function, which includes "geneID", "geneSymbol", "bestOntology", "enrichedOntology" and "allEvidence". The corresponding annotation scores are kept in the parenthesis behind the ontology IDs. } \references{ } \author{ Pan DU } \seealso{ See also \code{\link{geneFunSummarize}} } \examples{ data(DO) geneSummary <- geneFunSummarize(c("5037","9314"), gene2DO.map, DO.graph.closure.gene) summaryInfo <- saveGeneFunSummary(geneSummary, fileName='geneSummarization.xls') summaryInfo } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{methods}