\name{RGBColVec} \alias{RGBColVec} \alias{RainbowPastel} \title{Alternative color schemes} \description{ \code{RGBColVec} returns a vector of colors that is equally spaced from red through black to green, suitable for heatmaps. \code{RainbowPastel} returns a vector of colors like \code{rainbow}, but more pastelly. } \usage{ RGBColVec(nrgcols = 12) RainbowPastel(n, blanche = 200, ...) } \arguments{ \item{nrgcols, n}{desired number of colors} \item{blanche}{the amount of whiteness added; value between 0 and 255} \item{\dots}{extra arguments to \code{rainbow}} } \value{ A character vector of length \code{nrgcols} or \code{n} giving the RGB codes for the colors.} \author{\code{RGBColVec} is based on function \code{rgcolors.func} in package \code{sma} by Sandrine Dudoit and Jane Fridlyand. \code{RGBColVec} as documented and \code{RainbowPastel} by Alexander Ploner } \seealso{\code{\link{heat.colors}}} \examples{ # A Color Wheel pie(rep(1,12), col=RGBColVec(12)) # A color wheel in the original rainbow pie(rep(1,6), col=rainbow(6)) # Pastel pie(rep(1,6), col=RainbowPastel(6)) # Less whiteness pie(rep(1,6), col=RainbowPastel(6, blanche=127)) # More steps require less whiteness pie(rep(1,12), col=RainbowPastel(12, blanche=60)) # Test your screen & eyes: any differences? pie(rep(1,12), col=RainbowPastel(12, blanche=80)) } \keyword{color}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS