\name{plotScaleSpace} \alias{plotScaleSpace} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Plot multiple significant regions in one figure } \description{ Plots significant regions in different scale spaces in one figure } \usage{ plotScaleSpace(spms, sigLevels, chromosomes=NULL, type='b') } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{spms}{ List of sample point matrices } \item{sigLevels}{ List of significance levels } \item{chromosomes}{ Takes a vector of chromosomes to be plotted. Defaults to all chromosomes. } \item{type}{ Determines which data is plotted. 'g' for gains only, 'l' for losses only and 'b' for both. When type='b' is used, two devices (x11) will be opened.} } \details{ Takes sample point matrices that were calculated using (different) kernel widths (sigma), then calculates the significant regions given the cutoffs as defined by 'sigLevels' and plots these in one figure. } \value{ Depending on the 'type' parameter, produces one or two plots, one for the gains and one for the losses. The heatmap color indicates the level of the gain or loss. } \author{ Jorma de Ronde } \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{plot}} } \examples{ data(hsSampleData) data(hsMirrorLocs) spm1mb <- calcSpm(hsSampleData, hsMirrorLocs) spm4mb <- calcSpm(hsSampleData, hsMirrorLocs, sigma=4000000) siglevel1mb <- findSigLevelTrad(hsSampleData, spm1mb, n=3) siglevel4mb <- findSigLevelTrad(hsSampleData, spm4mb, n=3) plotScaleSpace(list(spm1mb, spm4mb), list(siglevel1mb, siglevel4mb), type='g') } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplot}