\name{LiquidAssociation-package} \alias{LiquidAssociation-package} \alias{LiquidAssociation} \docType{package} \title{ Liquid Associaiton Package } \description{ The LiquidAssociation package provide methods to examine a special kind of three-way interaction called liquid association. The term liquid association was first proposed by contains functions for calculate direct and model-based estimators for liquid associaiton. It also provides functions for testing the existence of liquid associaiton given a gene triplet data. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab LiquidAssociation\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0.4\cr Date: \tab 2009-10-05\cr License: \tab GPL version 2 or newer\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } GLA LA CNM.full CNM.simple getsGLA getsLA plotGLA } \author{ Yen-Yi Ho Maintainer: Yen-Yi Ho } \references{Ker-Chau Li, Genome-wide coexpression dynamics: theory and application (2002). PNAS 99 (26): 16875-16880. Yen-Yi Ho, Leslie Cope, Thomas A. Louis, and Giovanni Parmigiani, GENERALIZED LIQUID ASSOCIATION (April 2009). Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Biostatistics Working Papers. Working Paper 183. http://www.bepress.com/jhubiostat/paper183 } \keyword{package } \examples{ data<-matrix(rnorm(300), ncol=3) colnames(data)<-c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene3") FitCNM.full<-CNM.full(data) FitCNM.full }