\name{PLR} \alias{PLR} \alias{predict.PLR} \title{A function which performs penalised logistic regression classification for two groups} \description{A function which performs penalised logistic regression.} \usage{PLR(trainmatrix, resultvector, kappa=0, eps=1e-4) \method{predict}{PLR}(object,...)} \arguments{ \item{resultvector}{a vector which contains the labeling of the samples} \item{trainmatrix}{a matrix which includes the data. The rows corresponds to the observations and the columns to the variables.} \item{kappa}{value range for penalty parameter. If more that one parameter is specified the one with the lowest AIC will be used.} \item{eps}{precision of convergence} \item{object}{a fitted PLR model} \item{...}{here a data matrix from samples that should be predicted} } \details{} \value{a list with three arguments \item{a}{Intercept estimate of the linear predictor} \item{b}{vector of estimated regression coefficients} \item{factorlevel}{levels of grouping variable} \item{aics}{vector of AIC values with respect to penalty parameter kappa} \item{trs}{vector of effective degrees of freedom with respect to penalty parameter kappa} } \author{Axel Benner, Ulrich Mansmann, based on MathLab code by Paul Eilers} \examples{ library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Merge) eSet<-Golub_Merge X0 <- t(exprs(eSet)) m <- nrow(X0); n <- ncol(X0) y <- pData(eSet)$ALL.AML f <- PLR(X0, y,kappa=10^seq(0, 7, 0.5)) if (interactive()) { x11(width=9, height=4) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(log10(f$kappas), f$aics, type="l",main="Akaike's Information Criterion", xlab="log kappa", ylab="AIC") plot(log10(f$kappas), f$trs, type="l",xlab="log kappa", ylab="Dim",main="Effective dimension") } } \keyword{file}