\name{replace.NA} \alias{replace.NA} \title{Replaces in a given numeric matrix NA values per row or per column.} \description{ Replaces in a given numeric matrix NA values per row or per column. } \usage{ replace.NA(x, replacement, byRow = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric input matrix} \item{replacement}{numeric vector containing the values which are used for NA replacement. If byRow = TRUE, this vector must contain as many values as matrix X has rows. Else, this vector must contain as many elements as matrix X has columns.} \item{byRow}{logical. If TRUE, then NA values in row n are replaced by the value at position n in the vector 'replacement'. Else, NA values are replaced according to their column position.} } \value{The numeric input matrix with replaced NA values.} \author{Patrick Warnat \url{mailto:p.warnat@dkfz-heidelberg.de}} \keyword{file}