\name{mfuzz.plot2} \alias{mfuzz.plot2} \title{Plotting results for soft clustering with additional options} \description{This function visualises the clusters produced by \code{mfuzz}. it is similar to \code{mfuzz.plot}, but offers more options for adjusting the plots.} \usage{mfuzz.plot2(eset,cl,mfrow=c(1,1),colo,min.mem=0,time.labels,x11=TRUE, ax.col="black",bg = "white",col.axis="black",col.lab="black", col.main="black",col.sub="black",col="black",cex.main=2, Xwidth=5,Xheight=5,single=FALSE,\dots)} \arguments{\item{eset}{object of the class\emph{ExpressionSet}.} \item{cl}{object of class \emph{flclust}.} \item{mfrow}{determines splitting of graphic window. Use \code{mfrow}=NA if \code{layout} is used (see example).} \item{colo}{color palette to be used for plotting. If the color argument remains empty, the default palette is used. If the \code{colo = "fancy"}, an alternative (fancier) palette will be used.} \item{min.mem}{Genes with membership values below \code{min.mem} will not be displayed.} \item{time.labels}{labels can be given for the time axis.} \item{x11}{If TRUE, a new window will be open for plotting.} \item{ax.col}{Color of axis line.} \item{bg}{Background color.} \item{col.axis}{Color for axis annotation.} \item{col.lab}{Color for axis labels.} \item{col.main}{Color for main titles.} \item{col.sub}{Color for sub-titles.} \item{col}{Default plotting color.} \item{cex.main}{Magnification to be used for main titles.} \item{Xwidth}{Width of window.} \item{Xheight}{Height of window.} \item{single}{Integer if a specific cluster is to be plotted, otherwise it should be set to FALSE.} \item{\dots}{Additional, optional plotting arguments passed to plot.default function.} } \value{The function generates plots where the membership of genes is color-encoded.} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \examples{ if (interactive()){ data(yeast) # Data pre-processing yeastF <- filter.NA(yeast) yeastF <- fill.NA(yeastF) yeastF <- standardise(yeastF) # Soft clustering and visualisation cl <- mfuzz(yeastF,c=20,m=1.25) mfuzz.plot2(yeastF,cl=cl,mfrow=c(2,2)) # same output as mfuzz.plot # More fancy choice of colors mfuzz.plot2(yeastF,cl=cl,mfrow=c(2,2),colo="fancy", ax.col="red",bg = "black",col.axis="red",col.lab="white", col.main="green",col.sub="blue",col="blue",cex.main=2) ### Single cluster with colorbar (cluster # 3) X11(width=12) mat <- matrix(1:2,ncol=2,nrow=1,byrow=TRUE) l <- layout(mat,width=c(5,1)) mfuzz.plot2(yeastF,cl=cl,mfrow=NA,colo="fancy", ax.col="red",bg = "black",col.axis="red",col.lab="white", col.main="green",col.sub="blue",col="blue",cex.main=2, single=3,x11=FALSE) mfuzzColorBar(col="fancy",main="Membership",cex.main=1) } } \keyword{hplot}