\name{yeast.table} \docType{data} \alias{yeast.table} \title{Gene expression data of the yeast cell cycle as table} \description{The data serves as an example for the format required for uploading tables with expression data into \emph{Mfuzzgui.} The first row contains the names of the samples, the second row contains the measured time points. Note that \dQuote{TIME} has to placed in the first field of the second row. The first column contains unique identifiers for genes; optionally the second row can contain gene names if \dQuote{GENE.NAMES} is in the second field in the first row. An example for an table without optional fields is the dataset \code{\link[Mfuzz]{yeast.table2}}. The exemplary tables can be found in the data sub-folder of the \emph{Mfuzzgui} package. } %\usage{data(yeast.table)} \references{Cho et al., A genome-wide transcriptional analysis of the mitotic cell cycle, Mol Cell. 1998 Jul;2(1):65-73.} \seealso{\code{\link[Mfuzz]{yeast.table2}} } \keyword{datasets}