\name{outputAnnotatedDataMatrix} \alias{outputAnnotatedDataMatrix} \title{Outputs a tab delimited file from an ExpressionSet} \description{ Takes an \code{ExpressionSet} and outputs a tab delimited file containing feature annotation to the left and hyb specific expression/flag data to the right } \usage{ outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(eset, exptname, stage, dataElement) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{\code{ExpressionSet} containing the matrix and annotation to output} \item{exptname}{a string containing the name of the experiment. Used to build file name} \item{stage}{a string containing the stage of the data in the matrix e.g. normalized} \item{dataElement}{a string containing the name of the data element in the ExpressionSet to be output} } \examples{ #Write out an annotated tab delimited file for the normalized data \dontrun{ outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(normedEset, "MyMicroArrayExpt","Median_Normalized", "exprs")} } \keyword{file}