\name{plotIntensitiesScatter} \alias{plotIntensitiesScatter} \title{Plot pairwise intensity scatter} \description{ Creates a pairwise set of scatter plots from a data matrix and writes it out to file } \usage{ plotIntensitiesScatter(dmat, controls=NULL, exptname, maintitle) } \arguments{ \item{dmat}{matrix containing data from an experiment to be plotted} \item{controls}{matrix of row numbers containing control data to be plotted in a different colour} \item{exptname}{Name of the experiment, used for build the filename} \item{maintitle}{String used to build the maintitle of the graph} } \examples{ #Plot the pairwise intensities from myexpt \dontrun{ plotIntensitiesScatter(dmat, NULL, "MyExpt", "Median_Normalized") } } \keyword{hplot}