\name{NTW-package} \alias{NTW-package} \docType{package} \title{ Gene interaction network and perturbation targets predictions } \description{ This package includes the functions for estimating the gene-gene interaction network (a matrix, named \emph{A}, with genes as rows and columns) and the associated transcriptional targets of the perturbations (a matrix, named \emph{P}, with genes as rows and perturbations as columns). These estimations are computed with the NTW algorithm, a gene network inference algorithm based on ODE (ordinary differential equation) method, see \emph{reference}. In this package, the whole \emph{A} matrix and \emph{P} matrix are estimated row by row with the function \emph{AP.estimation.Srow}, and built together with the function \emph{NTW}. \emph{AP.estimation.Srow} can be used independently so that estimation of each row can be performed in parallel, improving computation time. For solving the steady state ODE equations, 3 regression methods are supplied: \emph{geo}, \emph{sse} and \emph{ml}, see details in the the corresponding function help pages. In addition, in order to accelerate the estimation of matrix \emph{A}, an option is available to make use of some prior information such as gene association (output from other gene netwrok inference algorithms, or from literature) in \emph{NTW}. The regression methods used in forward or backward mode makes 6 possibilities available for estimating a single row of \emph{A} matrix. The main functions in this package are listed below, \itemize{ \item \emph{NTW}, to estimate the whole matrix \emph{A} and \emph{P} (if P is unknown). \item \emph{AP.estimation.Srow}, to estimate one single row in \emph{A} and \emph{P} . \item \emph{A.estimation.Srow}, to estimate one single row in \emph{A} with \emph{P} known. \item \emph{backward} and \emph{forward}, to estimate one single row of matrix \emph{A} with different patterns of using prior gene association information. \item \emph{method.geo}, \emph{method.sse} and \emph{method.ml}, to estimate one single row of matrix \emph{A} with different regression methods. \item \emph{comb.matrix}, sub-function to create all the combinations for regressor locations. \item \emph{P.preestimation}, pre-estimate \emph{P} matrix according to the gene expression data. } } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab NTW\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 0.99.0\cr Date: \tab 2010-5-11\cr License: \tab GPL-2 \cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } } \author{ Wei Xiao, Yin Jin, Darong Lai, Xinyi Yang, Yuanhua Liu, Christine Nardini Maintainer: Yuanhua Liu } \references{ Applied method for the inference of gene networks: the bifidobacterium case. to be submitted } \keyword{package}