\name{methods.regression} \alias{method.geo} \alias{method.sse} \alias{method.ml} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Regression methods to estimate a single row in A with fixed perturbations} \description{ Regression methods to estimate a single row in a gene interaction network (\emph{A}) with perturbations (\emph{P}) fixed. These methods differ at the regression criterions: the objective function of \emph{geo} is the geometric mean, sum of square for \emph{sse} and maximum likelihood for \emph{ml}, see \emph{vignette} for the details. } \usage{ method.geo(index.vars, X, pert) method.sse(index.vars, X, pert) method.ml(index.vars, X, pert, noiseLevel) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{index.vars}{ A vector to select the rows in \emph{X} on which regression will be used. It sets a group of combination of rows in \emph{X}. } \item{X}{ Gene expression data, a matrix with genes as rows and perturbations as columns. } \item{pert}{ A vector of row \emph{r} in \emph{P}.} \item{noiseLevel}{ Indicate the noise level in each perturbed experiment.} } \value{ \item{ sol }{ A vector of regression result } \item{ error }{ The result of the objective function. } } \author{Wei Xiao, Yin Jin, Darong Lai, Xinyi Yang,Yuanhua Liu, Christine Nardini} \keyword{ multivariate }