\name{plotNuPoP} \alias{plotNuPoP} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{R function for plotting the predicted nucleosome positioning map and nucleosome occupancy map} \description{This function produces two plots from a specified region based on the prediction results from function \code{predNuPoP}. The first plot is the nucleosome occupancy (grey color). In the second plot, in addition to the occupancy, Viterbi prediction (red rectangle) and the posterior probability for a position to be the start of a nucleosome (blue color) are superimposed. } \usage{plotNuPoP(predNuPoPResults)} \arguments{ \item{predNuPoPResults}{NuPoP prediction results from predNuPoP function. It must be a data frame read in by readNuPoP function.} } \value{\code{plotNuPoP} outputs two plots: the nucleosome occupancy score map and Viterbi optimal nucleosome positioning map together with posterior probability for a position to be the start of a nucleosome. } \examples{ library(NuPoP) ## the prediction results are stored in the current working directory ## the user should replace "system.file("extdata","test.seq_Prediction4.txt",package="NuPoP")" ## by the actual path and file name generated from prediction. temp=readNuPoP(system.file("extdata","test.seq_Prediction4.txt",package="NuPoP"),startPos=1,endPos=5000) plotNuPoP(temp) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. %\keyword{}