\name{preparePermutations} \alias{preparePermutations} \title{Prepare Permutation and Subsetting Matrices} \description{ For a dataset specified with matrix and class labels, draws permutations and subsets. } \usage{ preparePermutations(ids, paired, B, sample.ratio = 0.8) } \arguments{ \item{ids}{class labels} \item{paired}{logical, whether samples in classes are paired.} \item{B}{number of permutations and subsets to be drawn.} \item{sample.ratio}{how many of the samples in a class are to be subsampled.} } \value{ Returns a list with the following items: \item{yperm}{the matrix of permutations.} \item{ysubs}{the matrix of subsamplings.} } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \keyword{internal}