\name{createAnnObjs} \alias{createAnnObjs} \alias{createSeeds} \alias{dbschema} \alias{dbschema,DBIConnection-method} \alias{dbschema,environment-method} \alias{dbschema,AnnDbObj-method} \title{Creates the AnnObj instances} \description{ These functions creates the AnnObj instances for the SQLite-based annotation data packages. } \usage{ createSeeds(type) createAnnObjs(type, prefix, datacache, dbconn) } \arguments{ \item{type}{character string, giving the name of concerned database. Possible values of type are : "sp", "trembl", "ipi", "refseq", "geneint", "intact", "mppi", "3DID", "DOMINE", "BaCelLo", "DBSubLoc", "SCOP", "HomoloGene", "InParanoid", "PeptideAtlas", "SysPTM", "SysBodyFluid", "GOA", "GO", "KEGGNAME", "PFAMNAME", "INTERPRONAME", "TAXNAME", "dName", "cross", "pSeq"} \item{prefix}{the prefix of the name of the data package to be built. (e.g. "hsaSP"). The name of builded package is prefix+".db". } \item{datacache}{a R environment, giving the name of "*.sqlite" database file, and a object which extends DBIConnection to the database.} \item{dbconn}{a connection object to the package.} } \details{ Given the abbreviation of databases, \code{\link{createSeeds}} returns a list which describes the set of AnnObj objects. \code{\link{createAnnObjs}} creates the AnnObj instances based on the values of \code{\link{createSeeds}}. \code{dbschema(x, file="", show.indices=FALSE)}: Print the schema definition of the SQLite DB. Also works if \code{x} is a DBIConnection object. The \code{file} argument must be a connection, or a character string naming the file to print to (see the \code{file} argument of the \code{\link[base]{cat}} function for the details). The CREATE INDEX statements are not shown by default. Use \code{show.indices=TRUE} to get them. } \author{Hong Li}