\name{getSrcUrl} \alias{speciesNorganism} \alias{organism2species} \alias{organism2alias} \alias{getShortSciName} \alias{organism2taxID} \alias{taxID2organism} \alias{.srcUrls} \alias{getSrcUrl} \alias{getALLUrl} \alias{getSrcBuilt} \alias{getALLBuilt} \alias{getSPUrl} \alias{getTREMBLUrl} \alias{getIPIUrl} \alias{getREFSEQUrl} \alias{getGOUrl} \alias{getGOAUrl} \alias{getGENEINTUrl} \alias{getINTACTUrl} \alias{getMPPIUrl} \alias{get3DIDUrl} \alias{getDOMINEUrl} \alias{getDBSUBLOCUrl} \alias{getBACELLOUrl} \alias{getINTERPROUrl} \alias{getPFAMUrl} \alias{getSCOPUrl} \alias{getHOMOLOGENEUrl} \alias{getINPARANOIDUrl} \alias{getPEPTIDEATLASUrl} \alias{getSYSPTMUrl} \alias{getSYSBODYFLUIDUrl} \alias{getKEGGUrl} \alias{getSPBuilt} \alias{getTREMBLBuilt} \alias{getIPIBuilt} \alias{getREFSEQBuilt} \alias{getGOABuilt} \alias{getGENEINTBuilt} \alias{getINTACTBuilt} \alias{getMPPIBuilt} \alias{get3DIDBuilt} \alias{getDOMINEBuilt} \alias{getDBSUBLOCBuilt} \alias{getBACELLOBuilt} \alias{getINTERPROBuilt} \alias{getPFAMBuilt} \alias{getSCOPBuilt} \alias{getHOMOLOGENEBuilt} \alias{getINPARANOIDBuilt} \alias{getPEPTIDEATLASBuilt} \alias{getSYSPTMBuilt} \alias{getSYSBODYFLUIDBuilt} \alias{getSrcSQUrl} \alias{getSrcSQBuilt} \alias{getIPISQUrl} \alias{getPROSITENAMEUrl} \alias{getPROSITENAMEBuilt} \alias{getREFSEQSQUrl} \title{Get the Url and Release information for Diverse Databases} \description{ Given the abbreviation of databases, these functions gets the url of data file, and get the version/release of the database. } \usage{ speciesNorganism() organism2species(organism) organism2alias(organism) getShortSciName(organism) organism2taxID(organism) taxID2organism(taxID) .srcUrls(name) getSrcUrl(src, organism = "") getALLUrl(organism) getSrcBuilt(src, organism = "") getALLBuilt(organism) getSrcSQUrl(src,organism) getSrcSQBuilt(src,organism) getSPUrl() getTREMBLUrl() getIPIUrl(organism) getREFSEQUrl(organism) getGOUrl() getGOAUrl(organism) getGENEINTUrl() getINTACTUrl() getMPPIUrl() get3DIDUrl() getDOMINEUrl() getDBSUBLOCUrl() getBACELLOUrl() getINTERPROUrl() getPFAMUrl() getSCOPUrl() getHOMOLOGENEUrl() getINPARANOIDUrl(organism) getPEPTIDEATLASUrl(organism) getSYSPTMUrl() getSYSBODYFLUIDUrl() getSPSQUrl() getTREMBLSQUrl() getIPISQUrl(organism) getREFSEQSQUrl(organism) getSPBuilt() getTREMBLBuilt() getIPIBuilt(organism) getREFSEQBuilt(organism) getGOABuilt(organism) getGENEINTBuilt() getINTACTBuilt() getMPPIBuilt() get3DIDBuilt() getDOMINEBuilt() getDBSUBLOCBuilt() getBACELLOBuilt() getINTERPROBuilt() getPFAMBuilt() getSCOPBuilt() getHOMOLOGENEBuilt() getINPARANOIDBuilt() getPEPTIDEATLASBuilt(organism) getSYSPTMBuilt() getSYSBODYFLUIDBuilt() } \arguments{ \item{src}{a character string to indicate which database will be used. Possible values are: sp, trembl, ipi, refseq, go, goa, geneint, intact, mppi, 3did, domain, dbsubloc, bacello, interpro, pfam, scop, homologene, inparanoid, peptideatlas, sysptm, sysbodyfulid, prosite or ALL. } \item{organism}{a character string for the name of the organism of concern. (eg: "Homo sapiens")} \item{taxID}{a integer for the taxonomy identifier. (eg: 1906)} \item{name}{a character string to indicate data source. Possible values are: SP, IPI, REFSEQ, KEGG, Gene, GO, GOA, geneint, intact, MPPI, 3DID, DOMINE, DBsubloc, Bacello, Interpro, Pfam, SCOP, Homologene, Inparanoid, PeptideAtlas, SysPTM, Sys-BodyFulid or TAX. } } \details{ These functions are the results of an effort to get url and release/version for diverse databases. Some functions are improved from previous package "AnnBuilder". Functions developped to convert multiple names for organism: \code{\link{speciesNorganism}} return a three-column matrix. organism2species() and organism2alias() employ speciesNorganism() to get organism and alias used in IPI database. \code{\link{organism2species}} use speciesNorganism() to convert organism to their species name. \code{\link{organism2alias}} use speciesNorganism() to convert organism to their alias name. \code{\link{getShortSciName}} get 3-character short name, eg: "Hsa". \code{\link{organism2taxID}} convert organism to taxID, eg: 9606 for "Homo sapiens". \code{\link{taxID2organism}} convert taxID to organism, eg: "Homo sapiens" for 9606. Functions developped to get url and release information for data file: \code{\link{.srcUrls}} get basic web address for the given database. \code{\link{getSrcUrl}} get url for the data file based on .srcUrls(). \code{\link{getALLUrl}} get all available urls in this package. \code{\link{getSrcBuilt}} get version/release information based on \code{\link{.srcUrls}}. \code{\link{getALLBuilt}} get release information for databases in \code{\link{getALLUrl}}. \code{\link{getSrcSQUrl}} get url for protein sequence files. \code{\link{getSrcSQBuilt}} get release information for protein sequence files. } \value{ \code{\link{getSrcUrl}} return a character string to indicate the url of data file. \code{\link{getSrcBuilt}} return a character string to indicate the release/ version of the database. } \author{Hong Li} \references{ Zhang, J., Carey, V., Gentleman, R. (2003) An extensible application for assembling annotation for genomic data.Bioinformatics 19(1), 155-156. } \examples{ if(interactive()){ # Get urls of all related databases for "Homo sapiens". getALLUrl("Homo sapiens") # Get version/release information of all related databases for "Homo sapiens". getALLBuilt ("Homo sapiens") } }