\name{pBase} \alias{pBase} \title{Define Class and Object} \description{ This function define class and create new object. } \usage{ pBase(srcUrl, parser, built="", fromWeb=TRUE, organism) } \arguments{ \item{srcUrl}{a character string for the url where data file will be retained.} \item{parser}{a character string for the path of the parser file.} \item{built}{a character string for the release/version information of source data. } \item{fromWeb}{a boolean to indicate whether the source data will be downloaded from the web or read from a local file} \item{organism}{a character string for the name of the organism of concern. (eg: "Homo sapiens")} } \details{ Bioconductor "AnnBuilder" package define a class "pubRepo". Here we define a subclass of "pubRepo" called "pBase". "pBase" is used to process data from SwissProt, TREMBL, IPI, NCBI RefSeq databases. } \value{ \code{\link{pBase}} return a object of "pBase" class. } \author{Hong Li}