\name{loadFromUrl} \alias{loadFromUrl} \alias{validateUrl} \alias{unzipFile} \title{Load Files from a Web Site} \description{ Given an url, these functions download a file from a given web site and unzip the file if it is compressed. } \usage{ loadFromUrl(srcUrl, destDir = "", verbose=FALSE) validateUrl(srcUrl) unzipFile(fileName, where = file.path(.path.package("PAnnBuilder"), "data"), isgz = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{srcUrl}{\code{srcUrl} a character string for the url of the file to be downloaded} \item{destDir}{\code{destDir} a character string for a loacal directory where the file to be downloaded will be saved} \item{where}{\code{where} same as destDir} \item{isgz}{\code{isga} a boolean indicating whether the downloaded file is a gz file} \item{fileName}{\code{fileName} a character string for the name of a file} \item{verbose}{A booline indicating whether to print extra information.} } \details{ These functions are used by various objects in package pubRepo to download data files from a web site. If the file is compressed, decompressing will be applied and the path for the decompressed file will be returned. \code{\link{validateUrl}} will terminate the process if an invalid url is passed. \code{\link{unzipFile}} decompress the file passed as fileName. } \value{ \code{\link{loadFromUrl}} returns a character string for the name of the file saved locally. } \references{ Zhang, J., Carey, V., Gentleman, R. (2003) An extensible application for assembling annotation for genomic data.Bioinformatics 19(1), 155-156. } \examples{ \dontrun{ # Get a dummy data file from Bioconductor web site data <- loadFromUrl("http://www.bioconductor.org/datafiles/wwwsources/Tll_tmpl.gz", destDir = "") unlink(data) } }