\name{writeManPage} \alias{getRepList} \alias{copyTemplates} \alias{writeDescription} \alias{writeDescription_DB} \alias{writeManAnno} \alias{writeManAnno_DB} \alias{copyTemplates_DB} \alias{writeManSQ} \alias{writeManMerge} \title{Write Help Documents} \description{ Given the R environment in the data directory, these functions write help documents based on templates and stored them in the man directory. } \usage{ getRepList(organism="", type, srcUrls="", built="", pkgName) copyTemplates(repList, pattern, pkgName, pkgPath, replaceBy = NULL) copyTemplates_DB(repList, pkgName, pkgPath) writeDescription(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, dataSrc = "public data repositories", license = "The Artistic License, Version 2.0") writeDescription_DB(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, organism, dataSrc = "public data repositories", license = "The Artistic License, Version 2.0") writeManAnno(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, repList, pattern) writeManAnno_DB(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, repList) writeManSQ(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, repList) writeManMerge(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, repList, pattern) } \arguments{ \item{organism}{a character string for the name of the organism of concern. (eg: "Homo sapiens")} \item{type}{a character string for the concerned database. Possible values of type are : "sp", "trembl", "ipi", "refseq", "geneint", "intact", "mppi", "3DID", "DOMINE", "BaCelLo", "DBSubLoc", "SCOP", "HomoloGene", "InParanoid", "PeptideAtlas", "SysPTM", "SysBodyFluid", "GOA", "GO", "KEGGNAME", "PFAMNAME", "INTERPRONAME", "TAXNAME", "dName", "cross", "pSeq". } \item{srcUrls}{a character string or a string vector for the urls of database.} \item{built}{a character string for the version/release information of database.} \item{repList}{a named list which will replace the symbols in template file.} \item{pattern}{a character string of the prefix of template *.Rd file } \item{replaceBy}{a character string for the prefix of new *.Rd file. If replaceBy=NULL, pattern will be replaed by pkgName. Otherwise pattern will be replaed by replaceBy } \item{dataSrc}{a character string describing the data source} \item{license}{a character string describing the license of R package. It will appear in the description file.} \item{pkgName}{the name of the data package to be built. (e.g. "hsaSP") } \item{pkgPath}{a character string for the full path of an existing directory where the built backage will be stored.} \item{version}{a character string for the version number.} \item{author}{a list with named elements "authors" containing a character vector of author names and "maintainer" containing the complete character string for the maintainer field, for example, "Jane Doe ".} } \details{ Write help document files for the package. \code{\link{getRepList}} return a list which will replace the symbols in template file. If the name of "*.rda" file in the "data" subdirectory matchs the pattern, \code{\link{copyTemplates}} will produce a "*.rd" file in the "man" subdirectory. Related template files in the "inst/templates" subdirectory are needed for this function. Parameter "names" gives the name of the data objects; \code{\link{copyTemplates_DB}} will produces relative "*.rd" files in the "man" subdirectory. Related template files in the "inst/templates" subdirectory are needed for this function. \code{\link{writeDescription}} write descrption file for the environment-based annotation package. \code{\link{writeDescription_DB}} write descrption file for the SQLite-based annotation package. \code{\link{writeManAnno}} write help document files for the environment-based annotation package. \code{\link{writeManAnno_DB}} write help document files for the SQLite-based annotation package. \code{\link{writeManSQ}} write help document files for the sequence data package. \code{\link{writeManMerge}} write help document files for the merged package. } \author{Hong Li} \references{ Zhang, J., Carey, V., Gentleman, R. (2003) An extensible application for assembling annotation for genomic data.Bioinformatics 19(1), 155-156. }