\name{picsList-class} \docType{class} \alias{picsList} \alias{picsList-class} \alias{chromosome,picsList-method} \alias{mu,picsList-method} \alias{delta,picsList-method} \alias{w,picsList-method} \alias{score,picsList-method} \alias{density,picsList-method} \alias{se,picsList-method} \alias{seF,picsList-method} \alias{seR,picsList-method} \alias{[,picsList-method} \alias{[,picsList,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[[,picsList-method} \alias{[[,picsList,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{newPicsList,picsList-method} \alias{length} \alias{length,picsList-method} \alias{newPicsList} \title{The pics class} \description{ This object is used to gather all parameters from fitting PICS to multiple candidate regions (as returned by the `segmentReads' function). The objet contains the following slots: `List', `paraPrior', `paraEM', `minReads', `N', `Nc'. `List' is a list of `pics' or `picsError' objects. `paraPrior' is a list containing the hyperparameters used for the prior, `paraEM' is a list of convergence parameters for the EM, `minReads' is a list containing the minimum number of reads used to fit a region with `PICS', `N' is the total number of reads in the ChIP samples while `Nc' is the total number of reads in the control sample. } \section{Accessors}{ The PICS package provide accessors to directly access to most of the parameters/standard errors and chromosomes. In the code snippets below, `x' is a `picsList' object. For all accessors, the `picsError' objects are omitted, so that the accessors only return values for the `pics' objects (i.e. all valid binding events). \describe{ \item{'chromosome(x)'}{Gets the chromosome names of all candidate regions.} \item{'mu(x)'}{Gets the position estimates of all binding sites identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'delta(x)'}{Gets the average fragment lengths of all binding sites identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'sigmaSqF(x)'}{Gets the F peak variances of all binding sites identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'sigmaSqR(x)'}{Gets the R peak variances of all binding sites identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'seF(x)'}{Gets the standard errors of all binding site position estimates identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'seF(x)'}{Gets the standard errors of all F peak modes identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'seR(x)'}{Gets the standard errors of all R peak modes identified in all candidate regions.} \item{'score(x)'}{Gets the scores of all binding events identified in all candidate regions.} } } \section{Constructor}{ newPicsList(List, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, N, Nc) \describe{ \item{List}{The mixture weights (a vector)} \item{paraEM}{The binding site positions (a vector)} \item{paraPrior}{The DNA fragment lengths (a vector)} \item{N}{The variance parameters for the forward distribution (vector)} \item{Nc}{The variance parameters for the forward distribution (vector)} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = ``pics'')}: subset PICS object.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{length}{\code{signature(x = ``pics'')}: subset PICS object.} } } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{pics}.} } \section{Constructor}{ newPicsList<-function(List, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, N, Nc) constructs a new `picsList' object with the following arguments. \describe{ \item{newPicsList}{} \item{w}{The mixture weights (a vector)} \item{mu}{The binding site positions (a vector)} \item{delta}{The DNA fragment lengths (a vector)} \item{sigmaSqF}{The variance parameters for the forward distribution (vector)} \item{sigmaSqR}{The variance parameters for the reverse distribution (vector)} \item{seMu}{The standard errors for mu (vector)} \item{seMuF}{The standard errors for muF (vector)} \item{seMuR}{The standard errors for muR (vector)} \item{seMuR}{The standard errors for muR (vector)} \item{score}{The scores for each binding event (vector)} \item{Nmerged}{The number of peaks that were merged (integer)} \item{converge}{A logical value, TRUE, if the EM as converged} \item{infMat}{The information matrix} \item{chr}{The chromosome for the region} } } \author{ Xuekui Zhang <\email{xzhang@stat.ubc.ca}> and Raphael Gottardo <\email{raphael.gottardo@ircm.qc.ca}> } \references{ X. Zhang, G. Robertson, M. Krzywinski, K. Ning, A. Droit, S. Jones, and R. Gottardo, ``PICS: Probabilistic Inference for ChIP-seq'' arXiv, 0903.3206, 2009. To appear in Biometrics. } \seealso{ \code{\link{pics}} } \examples{ # Here is an example of how to construct such a region # Typically, you would not do this manually, you would use the pics function to return a 'picsList' that contains a list of 'pics' or 'picsError' object. w<-1 mu<-10000 delta<-150 sigmaSqF<-5000 sigmaSqR<-5000 seMu<-10 seMuF<-10 seMuR<-10 score<-5 Nmerged<-0 converge<-TRUE infMat<-matrix(0) chr<-"chr1" range<-c(1000,2000) # Contructor #myPICS1<-newPics(w,mu,delta,sigmaSqF,sigmaSqR,seMu,seMuF,seMuR,score,Nmerged,converge,infMat,as.integer(range),chr) #myPICS2<-newPics(w,mu+1000,delta,sigmaSqF,sigmaSqR,seMu,seMuF,seMuR,score,Nmerged,converge,infMat,as.integer(range),chr) #minReads<-list(perPeak=2,perRegion=5) #paraPrior<-list(xi=200,rho=1,alpha=20,beta=40000) #paraEM<-list(minK=1,maxK=15,tol=10e-6,B=100) #N<-100 #Nc<-200 #mynewPicsList<-newPicsList(list(myPICS1,myPICS2), paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, as.integer(100), as.integer(200)) # Accessors # Get the standard error of Mu #se(mynewPicsList) # Get the standard error of MuF #seF(mynewPicsList) # Get the scores #score(mynewPicsList) } \keyword{models}