\name{plotDR} \alias{plotDR} \title{ Plotting tool for two and three dimensional data } \description{ Creates two and three dimensional plots of (labeled) data. It uses the library "rgl" for rotatable 3D scatterplots. } \usage{ plotDR(data, labels, axesLabels=c("x","y","z"), legend=FALSE, text, col, pch, ...) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ matrix with values to be plotted (rows correspond to samples, columns to features) } \item{labels}{ vector containing labels of the classes within the data (optional) } \item{axesLabels}{ vector containing labels for the axes of the plot } \item{legend}{ logical value whether to automatically insert a legend into the plot } \item{text}{ vector with (short) labels for each point (optional) } \item{col}{ character vector of colours for each class (optional); see \code{colors()} to display a list of available colours } \item{pch}{ character or integer value specifying the symbol when plotting points (see \code{?par} or \code{?points} for more info) } \item{...}{ other common R plot parameters like for example \code{las}, \code{cex} or \code{font} to further customize the plot (see \code{?par} for possible arguments); some parameters may only work with two dimensional plots } } \details{ It colours the data points according to given class labels (max. six classes when using default colours). A legend will be printed in the R console by default (for three dimensional plots, a legend is not supported). } \author{ Christoph Bartenhagen } \examples{ ## plot a two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10) d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5) plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]]) ## plot a three dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10) d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=3, k=5) plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]]) ## plot a two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset ## add axis labels, a legend and plot a text for each sample d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10) d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5) text = letters[1:20] plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]], axesLabels=c("first component", "second component"), text=text, legend=TRUE) ## manually add a legend to the plot plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]], axesLabels=c("first component", "second component"), text=text) legend("topright", legend=c("class 1","class 2"), col=c("black", "red"), pch=1) }