\name{RolexaRun-class} \docType{class} \alias{RolexaRun} \alias{RolexaRun-class} \alias{GetModel} \alias{SetModel} \title{Rolexa Setup Class} \description{A class holding parameters for subsequent run of Rolexa algorithms} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{MinimumTagLength}}{tags shorter than this will not be saved (15)} \item{\code{SequencingLength}}{number of cycles of sequencing, used to calculate the number of columns in files (36)} \item{\code{Barcode}}{number of bases used as barcode at the beginning of the tag (0)} \item{\code{HThresholds}}{entropy thresholds between 1 and 2-base ambiguities, 2 and 3-base ambiguities and 3-base ambiguity or undecided (log2(c(1.5,2.5,3.5)))} \item{\code{IThresholds}}{total entropy thresholds, as a function of tag length (log2(4+1:36/6))} \item{\code{PET}}{paired-end sequencing run (FALSE)} \item{\code{fit}}{use full EM convergence instead of only one-step optimization (FALSE)} \item{\code{normal}}{use tile-level normalization before base-calling (TRUE)} \item{\code{decorrelate}}{use 'cycle'-level decorrelation procedure, 'channel'-level, 'both' or 'none' ('both')} \item{\code{idsep}}{character separating coordinate fields in sequence headers (":")} \item{\code{verbose}}{print debug information if >0 (0)} \item{\code{colors}}{list of colors to use in the plots} } These values are set using \code{SetModel} and a list of the slot values can be retrieved with \code{GetModel}. } \references{Probabilistic base calling of Solexa sequencing data, BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:431} \author{Jacques Rougemont, Arnaud Amzallag, Christian Iseli, Laurent Farinelli, Ioannis Xenarios, Felix Naef} \seealso{\code{\link{DeCorrelateChannels}}, \code{\link{DeCorrelateCycles}}, and \code{\link{TileNormalize}}} \keyword{attribute} \keyword{internal}