\name{SeqScore} \alias{SeqScore} \alias{SeqScore,RolexaRun-method} \title{Fit and Plot intensities} \description{Model-based classification of intensity data points, to either perform a base calling or generate diagnostic plots} \usage{ \S4method{SeqScore}{RolexaRun}(run=Rolexa.env,int,seqInit,colonies,cycles,plot=FALSE) SeqScore(run,...) } \arguments{ \item{run}{a \code{RolexaRun} object defining the run parameters} \item{int}{a \code{\link[ShortRead:SolexaIntensity-class]{SolexaIntensity}} object} \item{seqInit}{a \code{\link[ShortRead:ShortRead-class]{ShortRead}} object} \item{colonies}{which colonies to select} \item{cycles}{which cycles to select} \item{plot}{if TRUE do a plot rather then perform a base-calling} \item{\dots}{additional arguments, ignored} } \details{ This will use the EEV model of \link[mclust:mclustModelNames]{mclust} to fit the data clouds with a mixture of 4 gaussian distributions. and generate a list of tags and entropy scores for each sequenced colony (if \code{plot} is FALSE) or plots two 2-dimensional projections for each selected cycle with gaussian parameters represented by standard ellipses and data points colored according to the induced classification. If \code{\link[=RolexaRun-class]{fit}} is TRUE, then the \link[mclust:meE]{EM} algorithm is run to convergencce, otherwise only an \link[mclust:estepE]{E-step} and an \link[mclust:mstepE]{M-step} are performed to evaluate the probabilities. The fitting procedure then uses \code{\link[=RolexaRun-class]{HThresholds}} to decide if a base is unambiguous and if degenerate IUPAC codes will be used. } \value{ if \code{plot} is FALSE, \code{SeqScore} returns a list with an \code{id} slot containing the colonies coordinates, an \code{sread} slot which is a \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{DNAStringSet}} object and an \code{entropy} matrix} \references{Probabilistic base calling of Solexa sequencing data, BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:431} \author{Jacques Rougemont, Arnaud Amzallag, Christian Iseli, Laurent Farinelli, Ioannis Xenarios, Felix Naef} \examples{ path = SolexaPath(system.file("extdata", package="ShortRead")) rolenv = SetModel(idsep="_") int = readIntensities(path,pattern="s_1_0001",withVariability=FALSE) seq = CombineReads(run=rolenv,path=path,pattern="s_1_0001_seq*") results = SeqScore(run=rolenv,int=int,seqInit=seq,cycles=1:10) results$sread } \keyword{cluster} \keyword{multivariate}