\name{expandClassName} \alias{expandClassName} \title{The fully qualified name of a Java class} \description{ This takes the partially qualified name of a Java class and queries the Omegahat class list to resolve the appropriate Java class. This then returns the name (via the Java method \code{getName()}) of that class with all the package information in the name. } \usage{ expandClassName(klass) } \arguments{ \item{klass}{ the partially qualified name of the Java class which is to be resolved.} } \details{ This uses the Omegahat evaluator's class list, including the locally added classes (i.e. those not in the Java classpath, but added to the Omegahat class search path) and the dynamically generated and loaded classes. } \value{ a character vector of length 1 containing the fully qualified name of the Java class. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \note{ Note that this causes the Java class to be loaded. If one wanted to simply determine from which Java package a partially qualified class name would be loaded without loading it (e.g. one might want to test whether Vector is from the antlr package or the core \code{java.util} package) then one should loop over the evaluator's class list (\code{classLists()}) object and use its \code{matchesClassName} method. } \seealso{ \code{\link{.JClass}} } \examples{ expandClassName("util.Vector") } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}