\name{getForeignReferences} \alias{getForeignReferences} \title{Get the names of the objects in the Omegahat system} \description{ This queries the Omegahat manager for the names of the different objects it manages for use by \code{\link{.Java}}, \code{\link{.JavaConstructor}} and \code{\link{.OmegahatExpression}} calls. This allows the elements of either the named or anonymous or both databases to be queried. } \usage{ getForeignReferences(which=c(named = TRUE, anonymous = FALSE)) } \arguments{ \item{which}{a logical vector identifying the named (\code{TRUE}) and anonymous (\code{FALSE}) databases. The default is both.} } \details{ This uses the \code{\link{.Java}} function to invoke the \code{getReferences} method of the Omegahat manager/evaluator. This aids one to query and control the interface manager. } \value{ A list with the same length as the argument \code{which}. Each element is a list of This is not working as designed yet. We need to add a converter for an \code{InterfaceReference}. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang, John Chambers} \seealso{ \code{\link{.Java}} \code{\link{.JavaConstructor}} } \examples{ getForeignReferences() # Just the named values getForeignReferences(TRUE) # Just the anonymous references getForeignReferences(FALSE) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}