\name{getJavaMethods} \alias{getJavaMethods} \alias{getJavaConstructors} \title{List the methods or constructors of a Java object.} \description{ This is a convenient method for obtaining a list of all the methods a Java object provides. } \usage{ getJavaMethods(what) getJavaConstructors(what) } \arguments{ \item{what}{the (partially qualified) name of a Java class, or a reference to a Java object managed by the Omegahat evaluator. The latter contains the class name of the object.} } \details{ This is a simple use of \code{\link{.Java}} and the evaluator's methods \code{getMethods} and \code{getConstructors}. The \code{getJavaMethods} also adds the names to the resulting R list. } \value{ A list of Java Method objects converted to their R equivalents. The names of the elements in the list are given by the name of the Java method. In the case of \code{getJavaConstructors}, no names are given since these have no explicit name. Each element describes the corresponding Java method in terms of the number and types of arguments, its accessibility, in which class it was defined, and the exceptions it may throw. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{.Java}} \code{\link{.JavaConstructor}} \code{\link{.JNew}} } \examples{ v <- .JNew("util.Vector") # get all the methods head(getJavaMethods(v)) # get all the add() methods getJavaMethods(v)[["add"]] constr <- getJavaConstructors("util.Vector") length(constr) constr[[1]] } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}