\name{getNumJavaConverters} \alias{getNumJavaConverters} \title{Returns the number of converters registered between R and Java} \description{ This returns the number of converters currently registered between R and Java. The argument specifies the desired direction of the conversion, by default querying both from Java to R and from R to Java. } \usage{ getNumJavaConverters(which=c(fromJava = FALSE, toJava = TRUE)) } \arguments{ \item{which}{ a logical vector in which \code{FALSE} indicates from Java to R and \code{TRUE} indicates from R to Java. } } \details{ This accesses the internal C data structures that maintain the converter lists. These are in C so that the low-level JNI code can access them directly without the overhead of converting to reference objects and losing contextual information. } \value{ An integer vector with the same length as the argument \code{which}. The value of each element is the number of registered converters in the corresponding list. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{getJavaConverterDescriptions}} } \examples{ getNumJavaConverters() getNumJavaConverters(FALSE) getNumJavaConverters(TRUE) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}