\name{javaSig} \alias{javaSig} \title{Converts an R type name to a Java type} \description{ When specifying a Java type in the \code{.sigs} argument of the different method/constructor calls to influence which method is dispatched in the remote system and how R objects are converted, one must use the appropriate type specifier. This function converts R types to the corresponding Java string. This handles converting R primitive types such as integer to \code{"I"}, double to \code{"D"}, logical to \code{"Z"}, etc. and classes to \code{"Lpkg/subpkg/.../className;"} } \usage{ javaSig(name) } \arguments{ \item{name}{The name of the R type whose corresponding Java type identifier is being sought. If this is specified as an object, its mode is take. See \code{\link{RtoJavaSig}}} } \details{ This searches the mapping contained in \code{.JavaSigs} } \value{ a string (character vector of length 1) with the Java type identifier corresponding to the input. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{John Chambers, Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{RtoJavaSig}} } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}