\name{mergePath} \alias{mergePath} \title{Merges classpath specifications} \description{ Merges two character vectors of classpaths for use in creating arguments to initialize the Java Virtual Machine within R. This avoids duplicates. } \usage{ mergePath(path, default, collapse=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{path}{character vector of path elements} \item{default}{a character vector containing the default or previous classpath elements} \item{collapse}{a character vector used the value of a the \code{collapse} argument in a call to \code{\link{paste}}. If this is non-null, the resulting vector is converted to a single string. This is usually given as ":" on Unix machines and ";" on Windows machines. } } \value{ A character vector containing the union of the two arguments. If the \code{collapse} argument is specified, the elements of the resulting character vector are concatenated/pasted together to yield a single string. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang, John Chambers } \seealso{ \code{\link{.JavaInit}} \code{\link{javaConfig}} } \examples{ mergePath("~/Java/MySQL/mm.mysql-2.0.1/mysql.jar",c("$OMEGA_HOME/Jars/antlr.jar","$OMEGA_HOME/Jars/jhall.jar")) mergePath("~/Java/MySQL/mm.mysql-2.0.1/mysql.jar",c("$OMEGA_HOME/Jars/antlr.jar","$OMEGA_HOME/Jars/jhall.jar"), collapse=":") } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}