\name{removeJavaConverter} \alias{removeJavaConverter} \alias{removeJavaConverter.FromJavaConverter} \title{Removes a converter for R and Java objects in the R-Java interface.} \description{ This manipulates the internal list of object converters that control how objects are transferred from R to Java and from Java to R. It allows the R user to remove entries and control how objects are converted. } \usage{ removeJavaConverter(id, fromJava=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{id}{the index or position of the converter to be removed in the specified converter list.} \item{fromJava}{logical value indicating which set of converters on which we are operating: from Java to R (\code{TRUE}) or from R to Java (\code{FALSE}). The latter is currently not implemented and awaits the next version which will use C++.} } \value{ Returns a integer identifying the position in the list in which the converter was located. This is a named vector and the name is the description of the converter. This allows one to ensure that you got the correct one. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{setJavaConverter}} \code{\link{setJavaConvertible}} the \code{.convert} argument of \code{\link{.Java}} and \code{\link{.JavaConstructor}} } \examples{ # remove the Constructor converter \dontrun{ removeJavaConverter(3) # add a converter -- userObject must be valid setJavaConverter(.RSJava.symbol("RealVariableConverter"), matcher="AssignableFrom", autoArray=TRUE, description="Omegahat RealVariable to numeric vector", userObject="RealVariable") # and remove it by specifying its description. removeJavaConverter("Omegahat RealVariable to numeric vector") # add the converter again cvt <- setJavaConverter(.RSJava.symbol("RealVariableConverter"), matcher="AssignableFrom", autoArray=TRUE, description="Omegahat RealVariable to numeric vector", userObject="RealVariable") # and remove it by specifying its position # which is given to us by the setJavaConverter call. removeJavaConverter(cvt$index) } } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}