\name{plotPredMap} \alias{plotPredMap} \title{Prediction map} \description{ This method is used to visualize the prediction heat-map. The prediction map is generated by mapping a color code on the ratio of the fitted values. } \usage{ plotPredMap(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ object of the Class \code{SquadSimResServiceImpl}. } } \details{ This method firstly interpolate the SQUAD Simulation Result. Then, it performs a ratio at a user-defined time point. Finally, a color code is assigned to the ratio value. The darker the color, the higher the increase of the node activation. } \author{ Martial Sankar } \seealso{ More information about heatmap, \code{\link{heatmap}} More specific information in \code{\link{plotPredMap-methods}}. For more informations about the input object see \code{\link{SquadSimResServiceImpl-class}}. } \examples{ fpath <- system.file("extdata", package="SQUADD") fileModel <- file.path(fpath,"data_IAA") nm <- c("ARF(a)", "ARF(i)", "AR_Genes", "Aux/IAA", "BES1/BZR1", "BIN2", "BR", "BRI1-BAK1","BRR_Genes","BRX","BR_Biosynthesis", "BZR1", "DO", "IAA", "IAA_Biosynthesis", "NGA1", "PIN", "SCFTir1","StimAux", "StimBR") t <- 50 ## call constructor obj <- simResService( folder=fileModel, time=t, ncolor=5, legend=nm, indexDeno=1, method="lowess") ## Apply method plotPredMap(obj) } \keyword{prediction} \keyword{heatmap}