\name{plotSummaryProfile} \alias{plotSummaryProfile} \title{plotSummaryProfile} \description{ This function display the genomic events and tests for the differences between groups if they are specified. } \usage{ plotSummaryProfile(aCGH.obj, response = as.factor(rep("All", ncol(aCGH.obj))), titles = unique(response[!is.na(response)]), X = TRUE, Y = FALSE, maxChrom = 23, chrominfo = human.chrom.info.Jul03, num.plots.per.page = length(titles), factor = 2.5, posThres=100, negThres=-0.75) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{aCGH.obj}{an object of aCGH class.} \item{response}{ phenotype to compare. defaults to all the samples being analyzed together. } \item{titles}{ titles for the groups, defaults to the name of the \code{response} } \item{X}{ logical indicating whether X needs to be shown } \item{Y}{ logical indicating whether Y needs to be shown } \item{maxChrom}{this parameter controls how many chromosomes will be plotted, from 1 to maxChrom} \item{chrominfo}{ a chromosomal information associated with the mapping of the data } \item{num.plots.per.page}{ number of frequency plots per page. Default is the number of groups } \item{factor}{\code{factor} specifies the number by which experimental variability should be multiples. Used only when tumor specific variability in \code{aCGH.obj} is not NULL. Defaults to 2.5} \item{posThres}{Threshold for gain. Set very high for homozygous deletion} \item{negThres}{Threshold for homozygous deletion} } \details{ This function utilizes output of the \code{\link{find.genomic.events}} by plotting it and testing between groups. The test are performed using kruskal-wallis rank test. } % \value{ % plot containing a number of events % } \seealso{ \code{\link{aCGH}} \code{\link{find.genomic.events}} } \examples{ data(colorectal) ## Plotting summary of the sample profiles plotSummaryProfile(colorectal) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS