\name{states.hmm.func} \alias{states.hmm.func} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{A function to fit unsupervised Hidden Markov model} \description{ This function is a workhorse of \code{\link{find.hmm.states}}. It operates on the individual chromosomes/samples and is not called directly by users. } \usage{ states.hmm.func(sample, chrom, dat, datainfo = clones.info, vr = 0.01, maxiter = 100, aic = FALSE, bic = TRUE, delta = 1, nlists = 1, eps = .01, print.info = FALSE, diag.prob = .99) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{sample}{sample identifier} \item{chrom}{chromosome identifier} \item{dat}{dataframe with clones in the rows and samples in the columns} \item{datainfo}{dataframe containing the clones information that is used to map each clone of the array to a position on the genome. Has to contain columns with names Clone/Chrom/kb containing clone names, chromosomal assignment and kb positions respectively} \item{vr}{Initial experimental variance} \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations} \item{aic}{TRUE or FALSE variable indicating whether or nor AIC criterion should be used for model selection (see DETAILS)} \item{bic}{TRUE or FALSE variable indicating whether or nor BIC criterion should be used for model selection (see DETAILS)} \item{delta}{numeric vector of penalty factors to use with BIC criterion. If BIC is true, delta=1 is always calculated (see DETAILS)} \item{nlists}{defaults to 1 when aic=TRUE, otherwise > 1} \item{eps}{parameter controlling the convergence of the EM algorithm.} \item{print.info}{ print.info = T allows diagnostic information to be printed on the screen. } \item{diag.prob}{ parameter controlling the construction of the initial transition probability matrix. } } \seealso{ \code{\link{aCGH}} } \keyword{models}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS