\name{image.splitSet} \alias{image.splitSet} \alias{image,splitSet-method} \title{Illustrate Split Sets} \description{ Draws an image of all splits, one per row, of a \code{splitSet} object. Each column corresponds to a patient. } \usage{ \method{image}{splitSet}(x, filter.fdr = 1, main = "", max.label.length = 50, full.names = TRUE, xlab = NULL, sample.labels = FALSE, col = c("yellow", "red"), invert = FALSE, outfile = NULL, res = 72, pointsize = 7, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the object of class \code{splitSet} to be illustrated.} \item{filter.fdr}{worst acceptable false discovery rate for the shown set of splits. All splits with q-values below this level are dropped from the image.} \item{main}{a title for the image.} \item{max.label.length}{Maximal length of the annotations shown to the right of the image. Longer annotations are truncated.} \item{full.names}{Show full names for annotations instead of their identifiers only.} \item{xlab}{additional annotation on the x-axis.} \item{sample.labels}{whether names of samples are to be shown on the x-axis.} \item{col}{two strings encoding the colors to be used to illustrate to which group a sample is attributed.} \item{invert}{whether to draw in white on black background.} \item{outfile}{the filename on which to draw the image in postscript format. The default is \code{NULL}, meaning to produce the image interactively.} \item{res}{resolution for bitmap output on postscript.} \item{pointsize}{size of font.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to \code{image}.} } \details{ The set of splits given is illustrated as an image. Each row corresponds to an annotation, each column to a patient. In position (x,y), the association of patient x to a group with respect to annotation y is coded as colors (yellow and red by default). The image is ordered by hierarchical clustering such that similar patients and similar splits are brought closer together. } \value{ Always returns NULL. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{adSplit}}} \examples{ data(golubKEGGSplits) image(golubKEGGSplits, filter.fdr=0.5) } \keyword{hplot}