\name{matplotProbesPDNN} \alias{matplotProbesPDNN} \title{ Plot the PDNN computed probe intensities } \description{ Plot the probe intensities as computed by 'pmcorrect.pdnn' or 'pmcorrect.pdnnpredict' } \usage{ matplotProbesPDNN(x, type="l", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a matrix (and attributes) as returned by \code{pmcorrect.pdnn} or \code{pmcorrect.pdnnpredict}. } \item{type}{type of plot (same as in \code{matplot})} \item{\dots}{ optional arguments to be passed to \code{matplot} } } \details{ The crosses are the probe intensities which are considered `ok' by the outlier detection part of the algorithm, while the circles are the ones considered `outliers' } \value{ Only used for its side-effect. } \seealso{\code{\link{pmcorrect.pdnn}} and \code{\link{pmcorrect.pdnnpredict}}} \examples{ # see 'pmcorrect.pdnn' } \keyword{ hplot }