\name{aqm.boxplot} \alias{aqm.boxplot} \alias{aqm.density} \alias{aqm.heatmap} \alias{aqm.pca} \title{Compute boxplots, density plots, heatmap, PCA biplot on a aqmobj.prepdata object.} \description{ The functions do boxplots, density plots, heatmap, PCA biplot and produce output objects ready for rendering by \code{aqm.plot}. } \usage{ aqm.boxplot(expressionset, dataprep, intgroup, subsample = 10000, ...) aqm.density(expressionset, dataprep, intgroup, outliers, ...) aqm.heatmap(expressionset, dataprep, intgroup, ...) aqm.pca(expressionset, dataprep, intgroup, outliers, ...) } \arguments{ \item{expressionset, dataprep, intgroup}{Same as for the function \code{\link{arrayQualityMetrics}} } \item{outliers}{Indicates arrays to be highlighted as potential outliers in the plots.} \item{subsample}{For the boxplot computations, if the arrays have more features than indicates by this number, then randomly subsample that number of them. } \item{...}{These arguments get passed on to \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{bwplot}} (in the case of \code{aqm.boxplot}), \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{xyplot}} (in the case of \code{aqm.density}), \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{levelplot}} (in the case of \code{aqm.heatmap}) } } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{aqmobj.box}}, \code{\link{aqmobj.dens}} or \code{\link{aqmobj.heat}}, respectively. } \details{ See \code{\link{aqm.prepdata}} and the \code{aqm} Vignette. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann } \seealso{ \code{\link{aqm.prepdata}}, \code{\link{aqmobj.prepdata}}, \code{\link{aqmobj.box}} }